Thursday, 17 September 2015

INTEL DEVELOPER CHAMPS CHALLENGE | Come Sharpen your developer Skills, exciting prices to be won!

Intel is inviting developers from our Developer Community to participate in a challenge known as the Intel Developer Champ Challenge, which involves different key tech hubs and universities in Kenya. 
 The Intel Developer challenge is a loyalty program that is run on an online page where developers are invited to take on different challenges such as test an app on Testdroid, take a short online training on the tools and SW, download the SDK’s, watch videos etc.
 How the Intel Developer Champ Program works:
1.      To enter the challenge, visit  to register for the Challenge. You will be asked to provide your full name, country, email address, telephone number and institution. Your personal data will be used exclusively for Intel Corporation US, its affiliates and subsidiaries’ marketing purposes and the data might be transferred, stored and processed in the United States.
2.      After registration, you will be invited to take part in different challenges based on IOT, Real sense, Test droid, Android, tool downloads, training on tools and SW, downloads of SDK’s and videos.
3.      Each challenge accumulates a certain number of points and these points can be redeemed for prizes. The more the challenges the more points accumulated

If the developer completes and submits the mentioned challenges, they will receive one of the following prizes based on the points acquired, to be sent to the mailing address that you provide:

    Asus Phonepads
•    HP Envy laptops
    isurf Primo 10inch tablets
•    Sports bottles
    4-port USB hubs
•    USB flashdrives
•    pocket notebooks
    3-in-1 retraceable charging cables
    polo shirts


The first bunch of winners received their awards on 12th September 2015. Below are some of the winners.

+Ngesa Marvin, with  +Kennedy Otieno+Michael Ikua   and some of  the winners.

 There's still time and you could be among the next batch! Calling all developers to enter the challenge, visit and register!

N.B. Prizes are not transferable and cash alternatives will not be available. Prizes will be distributed on a first come, first served basis!

The challenge ends on 30th September 2015!
To stay updated on the challenge,find us on Facebook and follow us on twitter

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